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Enzo Squillino, Jr.
Actor - Mamma Mia!, The Knock, Eastenders
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Enzo Squillino, Jr. is a British actor. He was trained at Mountview Theatre Academy. He has been called the "British De Niro" on many occasions. Squillino was born in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, but has played roles requiring many different accents and a wide range of characters on stage and screen. He was trained at the Mountview Theatre Academy in London. He first gained fame for his role in the West End musical Buddy, The Buddy Holly Story for over three years as 50's rock 'n' roll singer Ritchie Valens - which gained him much critical acclaim - but he gained his reputation on screen as a dramatic & comic actor as cockney wide boy George Andreotti in the hit television drama series The Knock with over 30 episodes and top ratings in seasons I, II, III, IV for Granada LWT international. Many of his other stage credits include the West End and Broadway hit Saturday Night Fever, the stage musical with actor Shaun Williamson for Director Arlene Phillips as hot tempered Frank Manero senior and Tony Manero's paintshop boss Mr Fusco. Don't Look Now, A View from the Bridge, Of Mice and Men. 
August 28th, 1976 in Sheffield (Age 48)
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