Osamu Akimoto is a Japanese manga artist born on December 11, 1952 in Katsushika, Tokyo, Japan. He is best known for his long-running series Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari K?en-mae Hashutsujo, which has been continuously published in Weekly Shonen Jump since 1976. Currently running over 1600 chapters, it is the longest-running manga series in history, and as of volume 182 the series has sold over 135 million copies. He debuted with Kochikame under the pen name of "Tatsuhiko Yamadome" in 1976. He changed his name to Osamu Akimoto in 1978 after Kochikame reached its 100th manga episode.
January 1st, 1952 in Kameari (Age 72)
Last Changes
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Address: Available to members only