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Claudia Cowan
News Reporter On Fox News
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Claudia Cowan, is an American news reporter for the Fox News Channel. She began her career at KTTV-TV in Los Angeles, where she worked her way up from being a messenger to an on-air reporter. She then moved to KMST-TV in Monterey as a desk assistant, and worked her way up to reporter, anchor of the noon news, then co-anchor of the weekend evening news. She also spent time producing and editing. From there, she spent seven years at KOVR-TV13 in Sacramento, covering breaking news and state politics, and anchoring the morning and midday newscasts. In 1995, she moved to KRON-4 in San Francisco to report for the evening news. In April 1998, she was hired by the newly launched Fox News Channel, as their Bay Area correspondent. Claudia attended the University of California, Santa Barbara prior to graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles and on a May 26, 2014 Fox News newscast reporting on the 2014 Isla Vista shootings, she says she went to UCSB where the shootings occurred. She is the daughter of actress Barbara Rush and publicist Warren Cowan. 
July 31st, 1963 in United States of America (Age 61)
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New Response (OLD!) (Unknown/Other): Bon jour! Sadly I don't have any head sho..
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