Miguel Mendon�a is a writer, focusing on socially conscious fiction, written under the pen name of Michael Ford. His first book, a collection of 11 short stories and 1 novella, was published as 'Quick! Act Normal,' in February 2013. His stories explore human relationships: with ourselves, each other and the world in which we live. The work is an extension of his previous career in the field of sustainability.
He studied forestry, landscape management, journalism and radio, geography and history, social science and environmental ethics at various educational institutions in England and Ireland.
Miguel is most associated with work on feed-in tariffs, a renewable energy policy. He has done advocacy and education work on this topic in a number of countries, contributing to their introduction in several. Much of this work was carried out while he served as Research Manager for the World Future Council, an international NGO. He subsequently worked with The Converging World, a renewable energy-focussed charity based in Bristol, England.
Miguel then worked for a short period as a freelance sustainability researcher and writer.
January 1st, 1973 in (Age 51)
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