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T. W. Shannon
Oklahoma Speaker of the House; Candidate for U.S. Senate
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Tahrohon Wayne Shannon is a United States politician from the U.S. state of Oklahoma. Shannon was elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives from his hometown of Lawton in 2006. In a ceremony on January 8, 2013, Shannon took the oath of office to be Oklahoma?s first African-American Speaker of the House. Shannon currently still serves in the Oklahoma House of Representatives but stepped down as the Speaker of the House to run for the Republican nomination in the special senate election to succeed U.S. Senator Tom Coburn. Despite Tea Party support and endorsements that included U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and former Governor Sarah Palin, Shannon lost the Republican nomination for the Senate to U.S. Representative James Lankford by almost 20 points. 
February 24th, 1978 in (Age 47)
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